Well, well, friends and rock stars …

Here we ARE! My review of Marcelle Valentine’s Scarred by Fate series is SO overdue! Being an author with a day job, well … reading an epic, fleshed-out series just kinda takes a while.

My bad. But better late than never, yes?

So without any further ado, let’s check out the series!

Book One: Ritual Nightmares


Gift or Everything?

Amidst the chaos of my life, I question whether I am a demon’s gift or Logan’s everything.

I have spent most of my life running from the demon my father summoned, and now I find myself in a small town. This simple life is a welcomed change from the endless hum of dread that has been my constant companion. I pray I can stay longer than a few months this time, but my past tells me that my prayers will go unanswered.

Until I stumble across Logan, and everything changes. His presence is consuming, and I can’t help but be drawn to him. His shifting eyes are both thrilling and mesmerizing. The feeling of safety that washes over me when I’m with him is unlike anything I have ever experienced. It’s as if I’m finally home after years of wandering.

The longer I’m around him, the more I realize Logan is not just a man. Whenever he’s near, there is an inexplicable power emanating from him that is both exhilarating and terrifying. Logic tells me to run, but my heart tells me to stay.

But when my past catches up, it threatens to shatter the life I’ve built here and reveal the secrets I refuse to tell him. Even though my heart doesn’t want to let him go, my head tells me it’s the only way to keep them safe. Sacrificing my every desire is the price I must pay to draw my nightmare away from here. Away from the family I yearn for.

‘Since my mom died from cancer, my dad had become obessed with demonology and the dark arts …’ It struck me as odd that a book would be written in the present tense; that isn’t often done. But after a few pages, well, it just works. It lends a sense of immediacy to the tale, and it keeps you in the mind of the heroine, Kenna. And Kenna is SO relatable! She’s just normal enough to make a world full of supernatural beings oddly—and perfectly—lovable.

Book Two: Breaking Purgatory


My nightmare has found me! He stood before me; I knew something was off, but I didn’t recognize him in time, and Malik managed to send me to a dark place before they could stop him. Logan’s rage was the only thing that brought me back. But now that he has discovered my location, how can I escape him again? Worse yet, how can I keep my family safe? Because make no mistake, even if I am not strong enough to fight for myself, I will do anything for them. This includes going with my nightmare willingly.

How could I have been so careless? For fifteen years, I have guarded myself, trusted my gut, and when I stood face to face with him, every alarm in my body was going off, yet I chose to ignore them. Not only have I allowed Mictulant to hunt me down, but I have brought him to the front door of my new family. Tornado Kenna strikes again, and this time someone else may end up paying the price.

Circumstances took her family; fate brought her to me. Can I keep my promise to her and save her life? Finally, ending her nightmares once and for all, or will her fear of hurting the ones she cares for send Kenna running straight into the deadly grasp of the demon I am trying to save her from?

He stood in my club and somehow managed to take her from me, sending her somewhere dark and isolated. She may have only been gone for a few minutes, yet the amount of time does not matter; the simple fact remains he was able to do it. The only upside to this whole thing is now I know who her tormentor is. Malik better keep running if he knows what is good for him because he will pay for everything he has ever done to her when I catch him. My biggest obstacle in keeping my promise just happens to be the person I am trying to save.

I loved the alternating first-person narrative, with the story opening with the male lead, Logan. This was the book that really sucked me in and made me want to read toward the end. The world became darkly immersive and very, very realistic. The story began to take on an almost claustrophobic feel, similar to movies like Pitch Black or The Cave.

Book Three: Fate’s Ritual


When you do not fear death, you become unstoppable. Loving her has never been a weakness; it’s my salvation. By chance or by fate, she was brought into my life. Every second since then, she has made it infinitely better. Inserted in my life when I began to feel lost; she is here for a purpose. Her existence has granted me something to believe in, something to hold on to; a constant reminder humanity is worth saving. Cursed for loving me, she sacrifices herself repeatedly while I am forced to watch. Unable to stop her or the events that will lead to her death. Leaving me lost and broken living in a prison of my own making. Waiting, yearning, knowing it is only a matter of time until I discover those emerald eyes I live for.

Cassia, my beautiful princess, made the mistake of falling in love with me, and I love her as well. When the ones who opposed me finally saw my end in sight, it was Cassia who ruined their plan, and in doing this, she altered her own existence. Her reward for saving me was her death; her punishment was what they turned her into. My heart soars upon discovering Cassia has returned, only this time her name is Kenna. I have my hands full with Kenna since she is stubborn, willful, and refuses to listen to anyone, even when we are trying to save her life. It has been twenty-eight years of waiting. I am powerless to stay away, to give her the space I have repeatedly promised. Pulled to my princess by our connection, the very bond that ties our souls together for all time. Yet the closer we become, I discover another of my kind has been hunting her. He searches by day and stalks her through her nightmares by night. This time I will do everything in my power to save her, to stop the inevitable path her life always takes. I do this because she is my reason for existing.

I thought this book was a stroke of pure GENIUS!!! It’s Book One, but told from Logan’s—as opposed to Kenna’s—point of view. Seeing a familiar tale with a different perspective was fascinating. Imagine if The Lord of the Rings was told from Sauron’s point of view? Amazing!

Book Four: Opposing Tartarus


My greatest nightmare has been realized; I have failed her once again. She gave her freedom to save us and her life trying to fight her way back to us. I laid Kenna to rest, yet she is never far from my thoughts. The beings who took her from me will not survive long as I formulate my plans to end them all. I just have to get through the next couple of months to let the initial shock and heartbreak of losing her settle. A knock on the door brings me face to face with one of the beings on my list. If he is so anxious to die, I am only too happy to accommodate his wish. As I face Armaros, the being who stood over her as her life faded away, my revelry is short-lived when movement pulls my attention, this is when a new reality begins. I broke their rules by going after her, and soon Tartarus will have its latest resident.

This book continues the breathtaking narrative from Book Two. Now that we’ve seen Logan’s take on the story, the saga is now ready to move forward. Marcelle’s use of narrative tricks is superb, as is her pacing. Once you’ve read this one, the epic finale becomes an inevitable purchase.

Book Five: Sacrificial Endings


Fate brought me to Charming; my heart led me to Logan. When the king who has been searching for me at long last has me within his sights, will I ever be able to find my way home, my way back to him again? Not to mention can the people I love survive this destiny, something I never asked for and certainly don’t want. I have discovered throughout my crazy life that it is not always about what we want but what we have to do. I have to choose what path I will follow; the problem is no matter which one I take could spell disaster for the ones I love. I will never let that happen, not as long as I draw breath. I will fight for them because they are everything my heart desires, and Logan, well, he’s my everything.

So many things have changed since Kenna first walked into Inferno; so many trials and tribulations plagued us through this journey. Kenna has faced more in the last year than she had in her previous twenty-six, but I have her now, and for the first time ever, I realize what a rare gift she is. Being granted another chance with her has confirmed one thing I cannot exist without her in my life, not anymore. She is my every wish realized. She will be my wife. I just need to kill a king and destroy a destiny. The king is easy; her destiny may be harder, but I will do it or burn this world down trying.

‘He turns and gives me his trademark bad boy cocky-assed grin …’ The ending is exactly what it should be: ALL heart, to a degree that trumps even the insane supernatural elements that are so pervasive in the tale. If you can’t stick the landing, well … you’re story’s just gonna fuckin’ bomb.

Marcelle stuck the landing.

Overall? This was a breathtaking epic along the lines of Clash of the Titans or Hercules. Fantasy elements can often come across as repetitive and boring without solid storytelling, but that’s not this series. I found the characters to be wonderfully lovable despite their myriad flaws.

Like Stephen King’s It, Scarred by Fate is a story that takes its time telling its own tale. It doesn’t feel rushed, and invites the reader to just sit down with a glass of wine and enjoy each evening’s episode. It will end only when it chooses to end, and when it does it leaves one feeling a little disappointed that the journey is over.

And that’s how epics should ALWAYS go! Five stars!

AAAAAAAND as a bonus … Here’s an interview with the Lady of Hour herself!

When did you start writing? What made you first decide to try your hand at it? I wrote my first full-length story, a horror story, at 24. I submitted it to several agents and publishing houses. I chopped this book up and reworked it, and it became the first chapter in another story I self-published. Ritual Nightmares.

What was your first published work? What do you think of it now? Ritual Nightmares. Funny enough, after two years, I realized it needed some significant corrections, so I’m revising this book and the other books in the series.

How do you balance writing with your personal life? Personal life, what personal life? I work so much between my day job and writing that I have little time for much else, but when I do, I spend time with my husband, kids, and grandchildren.

Do people you actually know make appearances in your stories? Rarely. However, in my Four Horsemen series, Wren in book two is based on my grandson, while Ellie and Duck in book Three are based on my granddaughter and another grandson.

Do family members or friends help with your writing? Your marketing? My family is a tremendous help to me. My niece is one of my beta readers and is hands down the best I could ask for because she has no issues ripping apart my work. And the more books I write, the better she gets. My daughter is also a beta reader who reads the book with an entertainment eye. If I don’t keep it interesting, she lets me know. In addition, she handles all my promoting, leaving me free to do the writing, book covers, and formatting all the other things you must do to release a book.

Do you have stories you want to write that you haven’t yet? I have a running list of books with a general concept and some with the general concept and parts of the story already written. Most of my book ideas come from a conversation I imagine between two characters, and as crazy as this sounds, I build the book around that conversation.

Is there a story you’re afraid to write for some reason? Why? No. I think if I can come up with the concept, and I think it’s a decent one, I can build a story out of it. I’m down with trying anything.

Do you ever target differing age groups or demographics with your writing? I usually write for the age of eighteen and above. I write spicy paranormal or fantasy romance books, but I just finished writing a YA book that I will target for readers aged sixteen and above.

Are you a ‘normal’ person who likes to write, or do you consider yourself more of the tormented/driven ‘artist’ type? An average person who loves to write. Nothing makes me happier than taking the stories that used to just live in my head and putting in down on paper for others to enjoy.

Do you drink? Why or why not? I do partake. No reason other than I enjoy a good mix drink or a cold beer on a warm summer day. (Virginia’s note: Yep, she does indeed ‘partake!’ Toddle on over to our Saturday author discussion in the FaceBook group ‘Ava’s Avid Readers.’ We’re both generally half-lit. At two in the afternoon. Ernest Hemingway would be proud of us!)

Are you married? How does being a writer affect that? Has your marriage affected the way you write love stories? I am married, my husband and I have been together for almost thirty-five years. He’s great. I couldn’t have a more supportive partner. And he helps me come up with content for books. 

If you could see one of your stories made into a movie, which one would you pick and why? That’s almost like asking me to pick which kid is my favorite. Since most of my books are series dependent on the previous book to make sense, it would have to be multiple movies. But if you’re twisting my arm, I would pick my horseman series or the YA book I’ll release soon.

Do you try to keep your stories within their pre-determined genres, or do you just tell the story your way regardless of genre expectations? I let the story guide me, then decide what genre it falls into. Although romance is pretty forgiving, you just need that element as the basis.

Do you listen to music when you write? If so, what kinds? Does music influence your stories? Nope, I watch my favorite YouTuber playing video games since it’s my second favorite thing to do. I’m a huge gamer. If he doesn’t have any new material, I put on a movie I’ve seen a million times so I won’t watch it for the background noise.

Is your writing time planned out or structured? Do you go on writing ‘benders’? I’m more of a bender writer; however, I try to write something daily just to keep a good habit. I’ve written thirty thousand words over two days when I was finishing up the season. 

What to you is the most rewarding aspect of being a writer? Having someone tell me they loved my book.

Who is your favorite author, and why? Depends on the genre. For horror, it would be Stephen King or Bentley Little. Romance Stephanie Hudson or Laura Thalassa. Mystery/thriller would be Freida McFadden. I also love several of Edger Allen Poe’s writings. Gift of the Magi being hands down my favorite.

If you could pick anyone to narrate one of your books, who would it be? I’m getting ready to dip my toe into recording my own books. I think for audio books I like it best when the author does it because who knows the characters better than they do.

Do you write when you take a vacation, or do you prefer to simply relax? I write all the time even if it writing on my phone while we’re traveling.

Do you prefer to read fiction that’s similar to what you write, or do you pick different types of stories? I read whatever sounds interesting.

THANK you, Marcelle, for gracing my humble lil’ blog today! Here’s wishing you all the best in the future! https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B09GMS3ZXG


Well, well …

Whod’a thunk I’d write a book that was popular enough to merit a second edition? Ladies and gentleman, welcome to critically acclaimed When the White Knight Falls, winner of the Literary Titan Award! www.amazon.com/dp/B0CY1CF14G

So yeah, that’s enough from me. Let’s take a peek, shall we? I think we’ll begin with the ‘boy meets girl’ …

That’s always my favorite part!


As a single woman—single, as in unattached—Kate had seldom “gone out”. But there had been the occasional evening…

Kate tied her hair into an artfully disheveled ponytail as she squinted through her stylish glasses, criticizing her appearance in the mirror. Black slacks, frilly faux silk top in a tasteful burgundy Paisley pattern. Okay, so Izzy would probably upstage her in looks—she nearly always did—but Kate grudgingly admitted to herself that she didn’t look bad.

Applying a last-minute dab of lip gloss, Kate picked up her handbag and sallied forth. She had all the pretty trimmings to appeal to nice guys, and a wary attitude to keep away the creepy guys. She was, as they said in New York, “all set”. But who was she kidding? Guys were Izzy’s department, not hers.

As Kate cautiously navigated Route 264 through Virginia Beach toward Norfolk—Virginians had such little regard for speed limits!—she surveyed the shifting cityscapes that bordered the interstate.

Eastern Virginia was terribly ancient, at least by American standards. It had a history and a culture stretching back hundreds of years. Modern high-rises loomed skyward alongside buildings dating back centuries earlier. Kate had always found its heritage fascinating and visited the area’s historic sites every chance she got. The United States had been created by Virginians, and had been governed by their aristocracy for decades, facts that the native Virginians refused to let anyone forget.

Despite all the outsiders that the U.S. Navy imported into the state, Virginia had a culture that was entirely it’s own. Kate loved it here. She found the locals extremely polite, and she so enjoyed their oh-so-famous drawl. She had tried occasionally to use their trademark “y’all” in her speech, but with her Long Island accent it … well, it just didn’t work.

Like any older metropolis, Virginia Beach and its neighboring cities had more than their fair share of ghettoes. The urban mood changed with frightening speed here. One could drive down half a mile of suburbs, with million-dollar homes lining the streets, only to turn a corner and discover the most run-down, crime-ridden hellhole imaginable. As a single young woman, Kate had learned to be cautious. Ghettoes or not, from the elevated vantage point of the interstate, the streetlights made the passing neighborhoods look wonderfully peaceful in the deepening dusk.

Welcome to Norfolk, Kate read on the road sign. Pulling off the interstate, she made a few turns and pulled into the parking lot of a brick apartment complex. She parked along a curb and honked the horn, wondering how late Izzy’d be running. It only took Isabel about twenty minutes tonight. She approached Kate’s aging car in a stunning black mini-dress and four-inch black high heels. Her makeup was flawless, and her dark hair was perfectly coiffed. Even with the heels, Isabel Fellucelli was a tiny, petite thing, but she carried herself like a model. As always, Kate envied her in a friendly sort of way.

Isabel flopped into the front seat of Kate’s car, adjusting her skirt as she slammed the door shut. “You ready, girl? We gonna find you a boyfriend tonight?”

“I have a better idea,” said Kate dryly, pulling away. “Let’s grab a flight to South America and find the Fountain of Youth, okay?”

“How,” asked Izzy, her large brown eyes full of humorous mockery, “can someone as hot as you strike out so often?”

“Maybe I’m waiting for someone special,” moaned Kate. This was a conversation she’d had oh so often with her best friend.

“Well, one of these days,” laughed Izzy. “So what kind of concert is this?”

“It’s not a full band; it’s all acoustic. The ad just listed two guys’ names. I forgot what they were … Al something or other, and somebody else.”

“That’s it? You dragged me out for that?!

“It was an easy way to get out of dancing!” grinned Kate evilly.

Izzy responded with a friendly expletive, and the two rode in silence the rest of the way to downtown Norfolk. That’s what Kate loved most about Isabel. Sometimes they talked, and sometimes they just hung out in utter silence; either was fine by both of them. There was no need to fill silences with unnecessary conversation. Despite their surface differences, they thoroughly enjoyed one another’s company, and their friendship was wonderfully uncomplicated.

Kate parallel parked on a side street near the Freemason Abbey and stepped out of the car. She unzipped her purse and put her hand inside, reaching for her can of mace; this was not a good neighborhood. That was the nature of Norfolk; even ritzy theatres and museums would often be located in shady places.

It was only a half-block to the Freemason Abbey. Kate kept a cautious eye out and breathed a sigh of relief when she and Izzy mounted the well-lit front steps to the restaurant. They were early enough that she and Izzy could get a table fairly close to the makeshift stage—one end of the dining area had been cleared away to make room for the musicians. The dining room was appropriately antique-looking, with soft lighting and weathered woodwork. Kate looked around appreciatively as she ordered her customary glass of burgundy from the well-dressed waiter.

The lights were still up; Kate guessed that they’d not dim until the show started. She settled into her seat, idly “people-watching” the diners who arrived for the evening’s entertainment in various-sized groups. Kate was beginning to slip into her own world, to let her mind wander away from her surroundings, when something caught her attention. “Would you look at that Taylor?” she blurted suddenly.

“Do what, now?!” asked Izzy in confusion.

“The Taylor. The guitar,” explained Kate. Izzy was predominately a pianist, remarkably polished and quite talented, but she was not Kate. Kate was a virtuoso; she could play virtually any instrument placed in her hands, including a guitar.

“A Taylor,” said Kate. “I always loved the way they sounded. They’re a little spendy.”

“Like that mattered to your family!” snorted Izzy derisively.

“Daddy used the Taylor as an incentive,” continued Kate, overlooking the interjection. “He said he’d buy me one when I could play Jimi Hendrix’s version of ‘All Along the Watchtower’ all the way through without missing a note.”


“I didn’t pick up the guitar until I was fourteen. Had he said the piano, it’d have been a no-brainer. I finally played the song all the way through … a week after his funeral.”

Izzy squeezed Kate’s hand impulsively. “Sorry, doll.”

“It’s okay. I’m gonna go peek at it, though.”

Setting her wine glass down, Kate stepped into the makeshift stage area and knelt to examine the guitar that’d caught her attention. There was nothing terribly special about it. Suddenly Kate realized that it was the memory of her father that had taken her, more so than the guitar.

As the realization freed her from the guitar’s spell, two voices caught Kate’s notice. There was a curtain set up behind the instrument stands and Kate could hear people behind it. She was eavesdropping. Like most people, she knew better. And like most people, she was completely unable to stop herself when the opportunity arose.

She was listening to two men, she realized. Tiptoeing nearer the curtain, Kate cocked her head to hear better. She was right out in the open, but the light over the stage area was dimmed. And the diners weren’t, as many Virginians would have put it, paying her a “lick of attention”.

“Dude, did you remember to write a set list?” The voice was sleepy, lazy. Kate envisioned a slightly overweight, amiable guy around the age of thirty.

“Yes, Teddy, I did. You remembered the effects pedal, right?” The responding voice was deep. Not “James Earl Jones” deep, but definitely “George Clooney” deep. And he didn’t say “I did”, not really. It sounded more like “Ah did”. And his “you” was more of a drawn-out, graceful “yew”.

While she couldn’t place Teddy’s place of origin, his nameless friend was southern, probably a local. Kate was suddenly tempted to giggle as images from Gone with the Wind played uninvited through her mind, but she bit her lip. Her head was nearly pushing in the curtain; the slightest expression of mirth would betray her.

So would the curtain being opened, which happened with stunning suddenness. Kate gasped and stumbled backward, panicking as the houselights dimmed. Snagging the kitten heel of her shoe on the leg of a nearby guitar stand, she lost her balance and began falling backward. Bracing herself for an incredibly embarrassing tumble, Kate closed her eyes.

She froze as a pair of strong arms grabbed her, stopping her fall mid-topple. Kate peeked out through slightly skewed glasses into the greenest pair of eyes she’d ever seen. They were so bright that they almost shone, arresting and comforting all at once. Slowly her rescuer’s face came into view. He was ruggedly handsome, with a chiseled face and long, sandy-brown hair.

He hadn’t lifted her up yet. The corners of his mouth trembled, as though he laughed easily and was tempted to do so now. “You need training wheels for your shoes,” he said evenly.

There was that “yew” again.

“Your chin needs a shave,” retorted Kate.

Touché!” laughed her rescuer, lifting her to her feet. Kate felt her face turning instantly purple. She’d been rude, but, in her state of vulnerable consternation, that’d been all she could think to say. Actually, the stranger’s stubble made him look very masculine and quite attractive, but she couldn’t very well tell him that now.

“Thank you,” murmured Kate bashfully, adjusting her top and straightening her glasses. “I was, um …”

The stranger assumed a mocking half-smile. “You were looking for the bar and got lost, I assume,” he said breezily. Now that he was standing straight up, Kate realized that he was quite tall. Tall, and fairly well-muscled, too. Losing all of her self-assurance, Kate just gulped.

“Do please forgive me. I seem to have forgotten my manners. I am Alexander Murdenson, but you may call me Alec.” Apparently anxious to set her mind at ease, he offered his hand.

Kate took it, still terribly embarrassed. “Kathryn,” she gulped. “Kathryn Leigh McCoy. My friends call me Kate.” Now why the blazes had she given him her middle name?! She never went by it. Kate was having a terrible time pulling herself together.

“Well, Kathryn Leigh,” smiled the stranger, putting a hand on her shoulders and turning her gently away from the stage. “What’s your favorite band?” His touch was gentle, and reassuring without at all making her feel as though he was forcing anything on her.

“Pink Floyd,” said Kate readily. She followed his lead with trembling steps, toward her table. Had Alec watched her coming in? Sitting down?

Izzy stared with naked envy as Kate approached. She rose to speak, but Alec beat her to the punch. “Alec Murdenson, miss …” he said affably, offering his hand.

“Isabel,” said Izzy, taking it with her brightest smile. Izzy was never tongue-tied. “You have fast reflexes!”

“And you have an inquisitive friend,” laughed Alec, pulling Kate’s chair out for her. “What are you ladies drinking tonight?”

“Bloody Mary, extra hot,” replied Izzy, sitting again and primly adjusting her skirt.

“Kathryn Leigh?” asked Alec.

Kate moaned inside as Izzy raised an eyebrow. She’d caught the Leigh, and the formal first name. “Burgundy,” squeaked Kate, turning an even deeper shade of crimson.

“We’ll make sure,” said Alec, giving the girls a final wave, “that you get a round on us. Enjoy the show!”

And then he was gone. He said something in passing to a waiter, and slipped behind the curtain. The stage curtain rippled a little as Alec passed through, as though it were eager to conceal a secret.

Wow!!! You are—”

“Clumsy,” interjected Kate. “And nosy,”

“And lucky as hell!” said Izzy unabashedly, narrowing her eyes. “He’s gorgeous. I may have to go up there myself and fall down. Maybe see what else comes out from behind the curtain.”

Folding her arms on the table, Kate laid her head in her hands. “Be my guest,” she moaned. She figured that her face was probably glowing in the dark by now.

“It’ll have to wait,” laughed Izzy. “They’re starting.”

Kate took a most unladylike gulp of Burgundy before she turned toward the stage. Maybe she could relax now, since Alec probably couldn’t see her with the dimmed house lights.

Kathryn Leigh!” teased Izzy, in a loud whisper.

“Pipe down!” hissed Kate.

As it turned out, Alec’s friend was very much what Kate had envisioned upon hearing his voice. He was slightly overweight and looked like he was very easygoing. He picked up a guitar from one of the stands, but not the Taylor. The Taylor was Alec’s, something that made Kate suddenly like him a great deal. She found herself scrutinizing him, trying to figure him out as he made small talk while tuning his guitar.

Alec began playing softly; the tune was not one that she recognized. Neither were the words that he began singing. But when she heard them Kate sat bolt upright in her chair, nearly choking on her wine. Dear lord, what a voice! she thought. What a stunning, mesmerizing, haunting, melodic voice. Throughout the next few songs, Kate closed her eyes often. It was an old habit of hers. When she wanted to listen to something, really listen, she would close her eyes and sit absolutely still.

One’s of Kate’s listening sessions was rudely interrupted by a hesitant whisper. “Excuse me?”

Embarrassed, Kate opened her eyes long enough to accept a fresh glass of Burgundy from the waiter. Apparently, Alec had left instructions with him on his way back to the curtain. She took an appreciative sip; it was an excellent wine, whatever label it was.

When the applause died down after Alec’s last song, he flipped over his set list and smiled at the audience. He seemed so comfortable with himself, so relaxed. Kate found his self-assurance rather enchanting.

“We have an unrehearsed addition to our set list tonight,” he said. “But since only I know this one, Ted is going to leave us for a minute, just long enough to slam a drink at the bar.”

Everyone applauded as Ted rose from his seat, waved, and headed for the bar. He seemed the total opposite of Alec. Alec was very rock ‘n’ roll, even at a glance. Ted was wearing Dockers and a button-down shirt; his dress, appearance, and haircut all seemed indicative of an office job. But he played well, and Kate’s applause for him was genuine.

“Like I said,” continued Alec, adjusting the guitar across his lap, “this one is completely unplanned, but I promised it to our newest fan. She just kind of … fell into our circle of friends, if you would.”

Kate laid her head in her hands, dying inside of mortification as the crowd around her tittered with laughter. At least some of them, apparently, had noticed her onstage escapade.

“Without any further ado,” grinned Alec, “here’s a cover for y’all. If you know it, feel free to sing. I need all the help I can get.”

No, you don’t, thought Kate fiercely. You don’t need anyone’s help at all, and you probably already know that. Whether Alec needed the help or not, Kate was surprised to find her own alto voice joining his. He’d promised her a Pink Floyd cover, and he was as good as his word. Better yet, he’d chosen “High Hopes”, one of her favorites.

When he finished the song with a flourish, Kate took off her glasses and wiped tears from her eyes. One man, one voice, with one instrument, had seldom managed to summon from her such a sense of grandeur. Alec did, though, and Kate found herself saddened when he announced the end of the concert.

“Go give him your number, girl!” urged Izzy when the lights went up. “You want to, and he wants to have it. Go. I’ll get the check.”

Standing, Kate summoned all of her courage and headed for the stage. Alec was standing amid a small group of newfound fans, chatting and laughing. She could just mingle with them. She wouldn’t look too forward, and maybe they could talk a little more. Maybe she could even slip him her number. Maybe she could get him to agree to “meet for coffee”. She liked coffee. She could do that. Just needed a little more courage. She could start by thanking him for the song …

“Hey Al!” someone yelled from behind Kate. “You gotta load your truck up fast, man! There’s a cop out there threatening to ticket you!”

There was a sudden, panicked gathering of instruments and gear, and then Alec was gone. Just like that. Kate stepped slowly away from the stage, angry with herself for being angry with herself. He’s just a musician, she told herself furiously. There’s no reason to get upset.

Izzy was signing the meal receipt. “Did you give him your number?”

Kate didn’t answer. Izzy looked at her soberly for a minute, and for once had nothing lighthearted to say.

“Come on, babe,” she said, taking Kate’s arm. “It was a great show, and I’m glad we came. C’mon, let’s go.”

Nodding numbly, Kate followed her outside.


So there you have it! If you like your tales a little on the dark side, if you’ve ever experienced the raw power of a rock show … Well, this book’s for YOU!!! https://books2read.com/u/4jYnyY

“The Scalp Collector” by Suzanne Smith

This affront forced the onlooker to compare and judge with extreme prejudice the beauty that should have been and the ugliness that was … – Line from Suzanne Smith’s “The Scalp Collector”

I have been a major fan of Suzanne’s writing ever since I first read “The Mortal Vampire” in the “Mystic Desire” anthology. https://virginiawallace.com/2020/08/21/mystic-desire-a-review/

Having read most of her published works, I can tell you that there are two earmarks that are always present in her writing. The first is her flowing, descriptive style. Good writing isn’t over-dramatic, nor does it call attention to itself. You often don’t realize that you’re reading good writing precisly because you’re reading good writing. Suzanne’s words are a powerful portal to another world, one so mesmerizing that you hardly even notice the portal that led to it.

The second earmark of Suzanne Smith’s writing is her morally ambiguous characters. She has a knack for making even the worst characters relatable, and finding an element of darkness in the best ones.

Both of these characteristics merge in the wickedly irresistable novella “The Scalp Collector.” It starts off a deliberately deceptive ‘true crime’ note, and—somewhere along the line—evolves into a tale that would give Thomas Harris the willies. The forensics and police procedures become almost incidental when placed alongside the maelstrom of horrors swirling in the characters’ heads.

Fans of The Silence of the Lambs, Primal Fear, and Seven will love this book! And, naturally, fans of Suzanne Smith will love it as well. The Queen of Dark Romance has now moved into psychological horror …

Be afraid.

Be very, VERY afraid!

Meet Suzanne Smith here: https://virginiawallace.com/2021/03/03/a-chat-with-suzanne-smith/

Take a peek at some of Suzanne’s older work here: https://virginiawallace.com/2020/11/21/the-brute-and-i-by-suzanne-smith-a-review/

Welcome to the Dark World of ‘Her Prison, His Game’!!!


In the middle of a forest, in an unknown location, is a game. A psychological game designed to play with the mind until it breaks.

The man responsible wants fresh meat. Someone who hasn’t experienced the horrors of the real world. He wants to see how long it would take to make them fall apart, to make them wish for death.

Combing the city of Surrey, he spots his next target … a young librarian named Jenna McCay.

Jenna McCay didn’t realize that when she turned nineteen, the easy life she knew would end, and the horrors of life would set in, in unimaginable ways.

Will she find the strength to survive the game, or will she break before the final curtain falls?

*Trigger warning: contains scenes that some readers may find disturbing*


Patricia Elliott’s ‘Her Prison, His Game …’

I’m no stranger to Patricia’s work, nor is she to being featured on my humble lil’ blog. You can read more about her writing here: https://virginiawallace.com/2020/12/09/shadows-and-secrets-the-haunted-world-of-her-lovers-face-by-patricia-elliott/

But back to her newest release. Wow …

Just fuckin’ WOW, y’all! This is a tale of pure evil. And honestly? It’s also a tale of violence, particularly sexual violence.

But that’s not the point.

The point is to explore the depths of leading lady’s fear, to follow her along her savage journey as she slowly comes to realize how strong she is in the face of torture and terror. A part of me is eerily reminded of the disturbing film ‘I Spit on Your Grave,’ but not really. ‘I Spit on Your Grave’ is a tasteless piece of violent pornography, which invites sadistic viewers to enjoy watching Camille Keaton being repeatedly violated by vicious rednecks. Then the film spends about ten minutes showing her taking revenge, in a vain attempt to justify its ridiculous subtitle: ‘The Day of the Woman.’

While ‘Her Prison, His Game,’ shares a similar theme to ‘I Spit on Your Grave,’ the two stories are worlds apart in the way they’re told. Patricia’s tale doesn’t dwell so much on the abuse inflicted upon Jenna so much as it does her finding the strength to endure and ultimately move past it. Sadly, such horrors do happen in real life. While the down n’ dirty details might strike some as revolting, there’s a certain catharsis in exploring the psychology of terror. As I’m fond of saying, turning fear and pain into art makes them both digestable, and thus rob fear and pain of much of their power.

This story isn’t for everyone. I’d rather say that right up front than have the wrong reader find it, and then publicly trash it. Patricia doesn’t deserve that. Her story is edgy, disturbing, and BRILLIANTLY written!

Five stars. Period. End of discussion!


When did you start writing? What made you first decide to try your hand at it?

I was around 10-11 years old roughly. I used to always write fan-fiction of either the Transformers or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and as I got a little older, romance stories featuring our very own Vancouver Canucks…whoever I had a crush on at the time. *lol*

Since I got bullied a lot, I used to hide out in the library and just bury my sorrows in a good book. I soon learned that I could do the same with writing because like you do when you read, you become those characters in that moment. You could become anyone or anything and just escape out of reality if for a little while.

I didn’t officially write a full novel until I was about 26 years old when I read a Harlequin Romance for the first time and thought, hey, I can do that. And I did.

What was your first published Work? What do you think of it now?

Her Lover’s Face was my first published work, which was published in 2018 by Black Velvet Seductions. Still to this day, it is my favorite. I think that’s because it was the first story I finished, and the journey from start to finish has a bit more history than any other I’ve written. I also learned what it takes to complete a story and that I could do anything I set my mind to.

How do you balance writing with your personal life?

That’s actually a good question. I don’t know if you ever really do. Something somewhere is always getting put on the back burner. I work full time as a Command Center Operator, have three adult kids which still live at home, and a significant other that I desperately love spending time with, so I’ll be honest and say it’s my writing that does suffer. But I’m starting to get back on track and working on creating a new balance as I haven’t done much writing over the last few years when life went crazy.

I’m slowly building a plan, and my partner is super supportive of which I am grateful. He encourages me to stay on task.

Do people you actually know make appearances in your stories?

Not directly, but maybe indirectly, especially if someone makes an impression on me, some of their traits or even some experiences may find their way into my stories. What those experiences are, well, that’s for me to know. Hehe

Do family members or friends help with your writing? Your marketing?

My significant other will encourage me to spend time writing and marketing, and our friends at BVS are great at helping each other market. But I’m still working at getting better at the marketing side of things, as time is limited. I have made a great new friend, Megan Ashley, my amazing new PA, is helping me with the marketing side.

Do you have stories you want to write that you haven’t yet?

The story ideas are honestly never ending. Ideas love to hit me when I’m in the middle of another story, so I just write them down and keep track of them for a future time.

Is there a story you’re afraid to write for some reason? Why?

I haven’t tried to write any stories with people of color as the primary characters, but that’s because I don’t want to misrepresent them or their culture, so when the time comes to write one, then I’ll be chatting with people and researching to make sure that I represent them in the best possible light.

Do you ever target differing age groups or demographics with your writing?

Not as of yet, although I do have some children and youth stories that I eventually plan to write. I’ll probably use a pen name though.

Have you ever written non-fiction? If so, what?

I am writing a memoir and a motivational non-fiction book that delves into my experience with PTSD and OCD that I experienced after my car accident. I’m not sure when I will get around to getting it published, but it is on my list of books to finish writing.

Are you a “normal” person who likes to write, or do you consider yourself more of the tormented/driven “artist” type?

Is there such a thing as a normal writer? I think we’re all tortured in some way by the thoughts inside our heads, so much so, that we “MUST” write. WE must release the pent-up energy in the form of a story.

Do you drink? Why or why not?

I do love the odd drink. I don’t like getting drunk because winding upwith my head in the toilet isn’t fun, but I do love the occasional drink.

Are you married? How does being a writer affect that? Has your marriage affected the way you write love stories?

I lost my husband last year and what we went through before that made it difficult to write love stories…but that experience is something to share for another time. My current relationship is amazing, and it definitely has rekindled my desire to write romance again.

If you could see one of your stories made into a movie, which one would you pick and why?

Definitely Her Lover’s Face because I have been told it would make an amazing movie due to the depth of the story and the characters involved.

How does your life experience influence your writing?

With what I’ve been through, I’m able to delve into the emotions of a character a little deeper and make relatable characters.

Do you try to keep your stories within their pre-determined genres, or do you just tell the story your way regardless of the genre expectations?

I tell the story whichever way it presents itself in my mind, but I must admit that romance does always, always play a factor in my stories in some way, shape, or form. However, I only write with the story in mind and not specifically a genre.

Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what kinds? Does music influence your stories?

Yes, however, I listen more to instrumentals while I write and classical while I edit. In general, I won’t listen to any music with anyone singing while I write because it tends to distract me and pulls me out of my writing headspace.

Have you ever written a story based on a personal experience you had? If so, what was it about?

I tend not to share what is personal and not personal in my stories. However, Her Lover’s Face was written by coming up with a story idea based on having dated someone who was a twin in high school. A guy I had remained friends with since then.

Do you let real-life events influence your work, or is there a “disconnect” between your stories and world/national/local events?

Real life events I think play a pivotal role in the way our minds create a story. I think almost every story idea is loosely based on something you’ve witnessed, experienced or heard about.

Is your writing time planned out or structured? Do you go on writing “benders”?

I’m working on creating a structured schedule because I seem to be a person that needs structure or I never get anything done because of how much there is to do in life. The recent Nanowrimo showed me exactly how much structure I really need if I wish to complete more stories because I’ve honestly been horrible with carving out writing time. I did learn exactly how much I can accomplish in just one hour if I sit down and focus.

What is the most rewarding aspect of being a writer?

Seeing your book out there in the world being enjoyed by others. Life is often so serious but books allow us to sit back and enjoy a few moments in time.

Who is your favorite author, and why?

My favorite author by far is Nora Roberts. She creates stories that you can’t put down right up my romantic-suspense alley.

If you could pick anyone to narrate one of your books, who would it be?

Jonathan Frakes. He’s got the perfect speaking voice.

Which character of yours is your favorite? Why? Whom would you pick to play him/her/it in a movie?

Joanne, Alex’s housekeeper in Her Lover’s Face. She is the lovable, take-no-guff, lovable grandmother type. I honestly don’t know, haven’t really thought of it. Betty White would have done an amazing job though.

Do you write when you take a vacation, or do you prefer to relax?

I didn’t write on my last vacation because a vacation should be just that, a vacation. Although I would love to take a writing vacation and just write. *lol* There is such a thing, right?

Do you prefer to read fiction that’s similar to what you write, or do you pick different types of stories?

I primarily read romance, but I have been expanding my horizons and reading books that our outside of my usual scope. I just bought Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros, so we’ll see what I think of the newest book hype.

What’s one quirky thing about you that your readers might not know?

I love tarantulas, even though I have always been scared silly of them. There’s something alien like about them. I think that’s what makes them so fascinating.

What’s your favorite movie? Why?

Splash. It will always be splash. I love mermaids and swimming in mermaid tails, and that movie was the first real-life action mermaid movie I’d ever seen.

Do you set up events to meet your readers, or is your interaction with them strictly online?

As I’m a shy person, I haven’t set up any in-person events as of yet; but I do plan to get a table at the Women’s Trade Show in British Columbia in 2024 if all goes well. I’m hoping to get out there more and do book signings and other events.

Have you ever had to exhaustively research something (say, history) for any of your books?

My current WIP will require me to reach out to some microbiologists to ensure that I’m staying on track with the science side of my post-apocalyptic series.

What’s a question I haven’t asked that you’d like to answer? When’s your next book coming out?

I have a psychological thriller releasing on December 9th, called “Her Prison, His Game,” and book two of the duology, a romantic suspense novel, will be released officially on January 9th, called “Beneath His Hands.”

THANK YOU, Patricia, for gracing my page today! And yep, y’all can go ‘head and order ‘Her Prison, His Game’ HERE! https://books2read.com/u/bpYQLg


Haunting at the No Return Motel marks my first anthology outside of Black Velvet Seductions Publishing—which, ironically, is releasing Vortex of Desire today, in which I also appear! https://virginiawallace.com/2023/07/11/welcome-to-vortex-of-desire/

So yep, new publisher, new set of teammates, new approach to publishing …

What a RUSH!!! I am so grateful to AMR Promotions for having given me this opportunity, and so proud of my fellow authors. Everyone pulled out all the stops, which—naturally—is the only way to do things. Do or die, you know?

So, without any further ado …

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you HAUNTING AT THE NO RETURN MOTEL!!!

“The Larchmont Motel” by Pete Thron

Wow …

Just … wow. No wonder the title of the anthology comes from this story. World-renowned, bestselling author Pete Thron brings us his A-game with this mesmerizing tale! I find it particularly unnerving that that the story is told—page by brutal page—from an old diary. The linking of the present to the past reminds us, for better or worse, that horror has ever been a part of the human existence.

I find it interesting that this is also a tale of crippling drug addiction, a topic that the author—a former NYPD officer—knows all too well. The story reads like exactly what it is: a tale written by a man who is intimately familiar with his subject matter. Well done, Pete!

“The Monolith” by Virginia Wallace (review by Suzanne Smith, author The Brute and I and The Scalp Collector https://virginiawallace.com/2021/03/03/a-chat-with-suzanne-smith/ )

I loved every minute of this dark and creepy story!

The detailed description of the monolith and the interior and exterior of the decaying house with the prophetic words written on the walls was super vivid, and gets a thumbs up from me. Love the way Virginia acquainted the reader with the characters of Moe, Shoe, and Rotchy by giving them nicknames to mimic their personalities.

These boys are so real. Clumsy, foul-mouthed, somewhat rambunctious, yet still so lovable. The back and forth timeline changes in the book were easy to follow and not confusing to the reader at all.

The ending was unpredictable and superb. This was the perfect Halloween read!

“The Lady in the Black Lace Dress” by Brian McCord

This … is an INSANELY well-told tale!

We all know about the Mexican ‘Day of the Dead.’ Mexico has a long and rich history of horror tales of its own, as well as appearances of Mexican culture in American horror stories. The setting is just exotic enough to be intriguing, and just familiar enough to be comforting.

The element of the ‘missing shoe’ feels VERY ‘Grimm’s Fairy Tales,’ which lends a certain sense of timelessness to the narrative.

LOVE it!

“A Halloween Weekend” by Eileen Troemel

This is the first horror story I’ve read by Eileen, and I’m more than a little familiar with her work.

There’s a certain classic, 1970’s feel to this story. I’m reminded of such films as ‘The Amityville Horror.’ Not nearly so hardcore as ‘The Exorcist’ or ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre,’ but still quite unnerving it its own right.

I think what makes this story brilliant is that Eileen didn’t alter her writing style one iota to suit the new-to-her genre. It reads like her classic science fiction, romance, and suspense. And therein lies its brilliance, as if Daphne du Maurier suddenly busted out with Psycho while using the same narrative style that made Rebecca a massive hit.

“A Halloween Weekend” reads like Eileen has been writing horror her entire life, despite my knowledge to the contrary. And that … is the very definition of talent!

“The Justified Hotel” by Allie Harrison

Randall ‘Butch’ Sawyer gripped the steering wheel with both

hands and sighed heavily. “I’m freakin’ exhausted.”

Butch was a pathological psycho with two capital P’s who felt

nothing when it came to killing a fellow human being. He had killed

to get what he wanted. He had killed to cover his tracks. He had

killed for the simple idea someone had looked at him too long and

studied his face. Yet, while he could skin a person alive or shoot

someone in the head and walk away without remorse, and had done

it on numerous occasions, he could not utter a single swear or cuss

word for fear of winding up in hell for it. So, he said things like,

“Freaking, fracking, oh fudge.” And when the situation really called

for something big and bad, he said, “Chocolate fudge.” Three days

ago, while at a gas station, the young, female gas station attendant

had stared at him. And when Butch was certain she had pressed a

hidden alarm even though he hadn’t seen her move, he’d said,

“Chocolate fudge with peanuts!” just before he shot off half her face …

Damn. Just … damn … WHAT an epic character!

And this story has the PERFECT spine-tingling ending, just like you expect from the best horror stories!

I hope they make this one into a movie someday.

“Bark at the Moon” by T. Elizabth Guthrie

This was a very thought-provoking tale. It reminded me of the movie Frailty, starring Bill Paxton and Matthew McConaughey. It’s a tale of twisted morality, in which people take noble beliefs to dark extremes.

The small-town setting made the tale even more creepy. People usualy feel safe in small towns, less wary than they do in big cities. It turns reality upside-down, setting a terrifying tale in such a quaint place.

The Stephen King-like vibe made this story a worthy ending to the beginning spun by Pete Thron. I’ve always said that a great anthology has perfect, complimetary ‘bookends.’

And this one DOES!

Thus concludes my review of the epic Haunting at the No Return Motel! Go pick up a copy TODAY!!! https://books2read.com/u/3k6LrN

Let the Bride Wear White

“Will strangers ever hear our names long after we are gone, and wonder who we were? How bravely we fought, how fiercely we loved?”King Odysseus (from Wolfgang Peterson’s film Troy)

I went to a wedding yesterday …

It was a GREAT time! You know how I know it was great? We had so much fun that my better half forgot to close out our bar tab. He had to call one of his trusty buddies to close it out for him, and retrieve his credit card. Whoops!

Weddings fascinate me. They really do. They’re the entirety of someone’s life—past, present, and future—condensed into a single day. The groom said something during his speech that I’ll never forget. He talked about losing his cell phone the morning of his wedding, and when he did something hit him: everyone that he ever cared about—everyone that he might have asked to call his phone so he could locate it—was together under one roof, for what was probably both the first and last time.

I was poignantly reminded of the line from Troy: “I’ll tell you a secret,” says Achilles gravely to  Briseis, “something they don’t teach you in your temple. The gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.”

Or, as another author who is not Homer put it: “Life, I realized, isn’t about being happy ‘forever’. Forever is too fickle, too fleeting, and too vulnerable to tumultuous change. Life is about learning to seize a single moment, a breath-taking moment frozen in time, and keeping that moment … Forever.”

Weddings embody both the past and future, bound together into a single, surreal Present. What weddings have in common with funerals is that they are both, in part, a celebration of the past; that celebration is embodied by the guests, by their smiles and sniffles. There’s that fellow I went to high school with; there’s my good friend who started out as my tax preparer. There’s my grandmother, and there’s my drunken uncle that I don’t really like, but hey … he’s family.

But with weddings, the past and future intertwine. The guests represent the past—and in some sense, so do the bride and groom since their courtship is now over—but the ceremony itself represents hope for the future. In a traditional western wedding, the groom wears black: a color historically used to garb soldiers, peace officers, assassins, and even executioners. To me, it’s a grim reminder of the realities of our world, and how a husband is meant to bravely face them in defense of hearth and home. He’s the protector of his household, and his attire reflects this.

Then there’s the bride …

When I was a teenager, my local video store had this horror film called Let the Devil Wear Black. Every time I walked by it, I thought that was the coolest title ever. Then one day it occurred to me that I should actually rent it. So I went in, and …

Alas, somebody’s VCR ate the tape. I never got to see it. But it was still a bitchin’ title, and I’ve often thought that that it’d be cool to paraphrase it in a romantic story: Let the Bride Wear White, you know?

Wives—and by extension, girlfriends and fiancées—are just as flawed as their male counterparts. I would know. But for one day—just one—the bride gets to be perfect. She wears white to symbolize the softer, more supportive role that she will play in her newly-forged household.

There’s an element of risk in marriage. Fifty percent of American marriages end in divorce. The bride or the groom could get hit by a bus the day after the wedding. But weddings are a bold ‘looking forward,’ a fierce clinging to hope despite the risks inherent to daily life. Weddings celebrate the ‘permanently beautiful’ while willfully ignoring the ‘temporarily ugly.’

To those of us who are older, seeing a younger person say ‘I do’ reminds us of how we felt when we said it. The fluttering heart, the odd sense of joyous trepidation, the looking forward to the future despite not knowing what it would hold for us … Younger people often say their vows before others who said them long, long ago, reminding us that the human experience—and even reality itself—doesn’t move in a straight line; rather, it moves in circles.

I once wrote this, in the introduction to my book Fatal Distractions: “Life has become so chaotic that it’s easy to forget that this life is only temporary; indeed, it is almost illusory.”

Almost illusory. Just ‘almost …’

As we drift through life, it’s tempting to just let everything feel like one long dream. Honestly? I think that’s a natural defense mechanism. But there are rare days in which life makes itself crystal-clear, and we are more than happy to simply ‘live in the moment,’ with no need whatsoever to mentally disassociate ourselves from what’s happening around us.

Weddings … are ‘one of those rare days.’

Welcome to ‘VORTEX OF DESIRE’!!!

Our jolly little pirate gang is at it again … Welcome to VORTEX OF DESIRE, the latest anthology from Black Velvet Seductions! I admit, I love our anthologies. I love reading tales that are so diverse, and yet unified around a common theme. It’s fun to see what everyone came up with after being handed an assignment, you know? And it’s REALLY fun to market alongside my co-workers, instead of hyper-focusing on my own work. So without any further ado, check out the tales in Vortex of Desire!  

“Aurelian Bliss” by Deborah Kelsey Lazaroff

My favorite type of science fiction is ‘historical’—Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, Mary Shelley, etc. But ‘dystopian’ is a very, very close second. I think the best sci-fi acts as a cautionary tale, warning us of what the world could become.

“Aurelian Bliss” is set in just such a world. What I loved most about it was that the story is blatantly ‘erotic,’ and yet not ‘erotica.’ Deborah Kelsey Lazaroff manages to wrench a heartfelt sense of yearning from the off-kilter, steamy narrative. It gives the reader an emotional attachment to the characters, and—by extension—the oddball setting.

Fans of Creatures of the Night and “Stille Nacht” will love this tale!  

“Cosmic Connection” by Angelika Devlyn

Space, the final frontier

In an age in which science fiction is becoming more outlandish and life is starting to look like science fiction, there’s something to be said for a classic ‘spaceship exploring the universe’ tale …

“Cosmic Connection” … is THAT tale! I loved, loved, LOVED the female lead, Aurora! I just found her very relatable; I think it was her sense of loneliness that really resonated with me. When she finds her love interest, the reader is left asking ‘well, how did that happen?’

But this is science fiction; you’re supposed to ask that question! “Cosmic Connection” is “Star Trek” meets “The Twlight Zone,” both filtered through the author’s unique voice.

I am SO looking forward to reading more stories by Angelika Devlyn!  

“Eden Dome” by Eileen Troemel

If there’s anyone who knows how to write dystopian sci-fi, it’d be Eileen Troemel. I’ve been a huge fan of her work since the vicious dark fantasy novel Dragon Lord’s Mate, and “Eden Dome” did not disappoint!

The best dystopian tales are not the ones that focus solely on the social chaos, or the hardships following the collapse of society. No, the best dystopian tales are the ones that also focus on what social collapse does to people: the way it makes them turn upon one another, and the unholy power structures that inevitably come about.

This tale is intense. Seriously.

I must disclose that there is some commentary in this tale that—while appropriate within the context of the story—might strike some male readers as offensive, and I feel the need to say this because my horror stories attract a fair few male readers. I believe it’s important to let readers know what to expect, just as Black Velvet Seductions did when they put a ‘trigger warning’ over my story “The Ritual.”

That having been said,  “Eden Dome” is a gritty, dark, intense tale that’s not easily forgotten …

And I expected nothing less from the legendary Eileen Troemel.  

“Her Blue Treasure” by Patricia Elliott

This is a rather strange tale. While it IS science fiction, it doesn’t FEEL like science fiction. Honestly? That’s a compliment. The mythical setting is so seamless that you cease to even notice it, and that’s good writing.

“Her Blue Treasure” feels more like a classic fairy tale, perhaps “Snow White” or “Cinderella.” There’s a certain timeless quality to it that seems like a throwback to Hans Christian Anderson or the Brothers Grimm. The heroine Jasmine is very much the ‘girl next door’ type, and her personality enhances the realistic tone of the story.

Fans of Her Lover’s Face and Not You Again! will love this one!  

“Humanity” by Nancy Golinski

Yep … the best sci-fi is a cautionary tale, one which reflects the fears of our day. In a world in which nukes getting launched is now a very really possibility, the story of a radiation-sickened refugee named Skye is rather haunting.

But “Humanity” goes even beyond fifties-style nuclear fears. In a world now tainted by something that the World Health Organization dubbed a ‘pandemic,’ humans have become less connected and more likely to engage the world via digital channels. In some sense, emotional connections have been replaced by algorithms and ‘compatability’ data compiled on dating websites.

“Humanity,” does what science fiction does best: it point outs the truth. And the truth is this: humans are more than data, and love is more than an algorithm.

Nancy Golinski was kind enough to assist me with my science fiction tale “The Protocols,” so I’ve always been aware that she knows a thing or two about the genre. It was wonderful to see her bring her own sci-fi to stunning life!  

“Moon Colony” by F. Burn

Like Patricia Elliott’s “Her Blue Treasure,” “Moon Colony” doesn’t feel like science fiction. It feels real.

Much like Stephen King’s brilliant The Shawshank Redemption, “Moon Colony” deftly captures the sense of oppressive danger inherent to prison life. I’m also reminded of John Carpenter’s The Ghosts of Mars, which portrays the realistic sense of isolation that an ‘earthling’ would surely feel as a colonist on a foreign planet.

This story is strangely dark … which, of course, I have come to expect from F. Burn. Like her signature romance novel Secret Love, “Moon Colony” is written in a very brooding, introspective tone.

I love it!  

“Prince Arawn and the Dawn” by Viola Russell

This is quite possibly the strangest tale in the whole collection. While most of the tales seem to be rather ‘dystopian’ or ‘space opera,’ “Prince Arawn and the Dawn” is written with levels of intrigue that seem almost on par with “Game of Thrones.” How she managed to squeeze an entire epic into ten thousand words is beyond me, but she did.

It’s fascinating how this tale subtly moves from a socio-political drama to a romance. I can’t honestly tell you where the shift takes place, but it does. The narrative is very smooth, and the characters well-drawn. I found the epic nature of the story to be absolutely fascinating. I’m a HUGE fan of stories about kings and queens and empires, and the interactions that fuel such worlds. In that sense … “Prince Arawn and the Dawn” is an AWESOME story!!!  

“Somewhere with Trees” by Alice Renaud

I would like somewhere with trees, sir … Ever since the Sea of Love trilogy, I have been a HUGE fan of Alice Renaud’s writing! And this story really, really hit home. As a native of the world’s second-largest natural harbor and America’s largest naval base, I know well the loneliness and struggles of the average sailor. And professionally, I also understand the frustrations of dealing with any government entity.

This story feels real. The fictional ‘history,’ the otherworldly setting … all of it fades away as you slowly swim through the thoughts and feelings of the characters.

Alice Renaud is one of Black Velvet Seductions’ heaviest hitters …

There’s a reason for that.  

“Stardust” by S.K. White

Has anyone seen the movie U.S. Marshals, starring Tommy Lee Jones and Robert Downey Jr.? Imagine that story, but set in space …

S. K. White is quite possibly Black Velvet Seductions’ most notable science fiction author, the writer of the ground-breaking All Gone. Her ability to make the bizarre feel perfectly normal is incredible. (I mean, I can’t do that. When I write bizarre, yeah … it feels bizarre.)

“Stardust” is a space opera worthy of the iconic “Star Trek,” and I don’t say that lightly.   

“Talitha” by Virginia Wallace (Review by Black Velvet Seductions author Suzanne Smith)

The character of Talitha offers the reader a grim, but accurate and interesting as hell psychological profile. The words used to describe her losing her virginity are very powerful (“Ben was not invading my body. No, he was trying to lovingly connect with it, and I welcomed his intrusion—even if the cost was a moment of pain.”) are definitely blurb material. The mention of tissue harvesting is substantial and thought provoking.

Even after I finished reading the story, I found myself wondering about Ben and Talitha’s future. In my opinion, the story is tight, with a dark eloquence in the words, and there is no fat to trim. It was a really good read.  

“The Grey Mission” by Angella O’Hanlon

The building architect did not believe in elevators, so a ramp wound its way up to the 75th floor. In the centre was a glass construct of offices and office space, yet not a single window had a view of the outside world. It was a building within a building …

GREAT opening! I love descriptive writing. This opening paragraph creates a sense of foreboding, and immediately sets up an off-kilter, Tim Burton-esque tone. It only gets better from there.

The romance between Illyanna and Bart is extremely realistic. They interact with a chemistry that many couple can only envy. This is one of the most expressive, fluidly-written short stories that I think I’ve ever read. This is the first story I’ve read from Angella O’Hanlon …

I hope there are more to come! 

“Repo My Heart” by Zia Westfield

His hands captured her bottom and brought her against his jutting length … Kira closed her eyes and let herself be swept away on a trail of shooting stars that took her higher and higher until the galaxy burst into brilliant colors.

Was there ever any doubt that Zia Westfield is God’s gift to literature?! DAMN, y’all! Just … damn …

Zia is a writer after my own heart. There is an ever-present element of wry humor—and occasionally, even silliness—in her writing. (See also her character Sal, the smart-mouthed duck. And yeah, that wasn’t a typo. I actually said ‘duck.’) Her writing doesn’t take itself all that seriously … which, ironically, invites the reader to take it very seriously.

This story came to me a day late, but DEFINITELY not a dollar short! I’ve loved Zia’s shorts ever since “Bewitching the Wolf.” Not only was that a heart-melting, surreal story, Oggie the drunk-ass leprechaun was ONE funny mofo!

So yeah … Oggie would be proud of “Repo My Heart”! Or, at least, he would if he wasn’t too shit-hammered to actually read it …

So for now, that’s IT, y’all! Yep, Vortex of Desire, by Black Velvet Seductions … Pre-order it TODAY!!!  https://amzn.to/41ro29P     

Meet OSYRON!!!

Anyone who knows me knows that the FaceBook group ‘Unsigned Metal Bands’ is my HAPPY place!!! Nothing makes me smile like awesome metal. But finding buried treasure makes me even HAPPIER! 

Let’s be honest here: EVERYONE loves Metallica, Megadeth, Pantera, Black Sabbath, and Ozzy Osbourne. I love those guys! But metal is bigger than that. Sometimes the best metal is played in places other than your ‘top forty’ radio station, you know? Osyron … is one of those ‘beyond top forty,’ EPIC bands! And yep, I first  ran across them in ‘Unsigned Metal Bands’! So without any further ado, friends and rock stars …

Meet my friend Reed Alton of OSYRON!!!

WELCOME, Reed, to virginiawallace.com! As a HUGE fan of your work, it is such an honor to host your band today! Thank you so much for taking the time to appear. Can you tell our readers how Osyron first got together?

Thanks for having me. Happy to be here, and yeah for sure. Osyron first started many years ago with Bobby and Krzysztof (guitars) back in their home province of Ontario, Canada. Eventually they moved out west here in Alberta and joined up with myself, Tyler (Bass) and Cody (Drums). We consider this line up to be the first, steady and consistent lineup the band has had. And we are happy with it without a doubt.

So just to clarify, what is your role in the band?

I sing, and I make the others in band feel better about themselves when I make a big mistake on stage. But the former is what I love to do, not the latter!

Metallica always labeled their lead guitarist Kirk as ‘The Peacemaker.’ He once said in an interview: ‘I try to set an example to the rest of the band how to be ego-less. That’s part of my beliefs.’ Keeping the band in a cohesive state requires massive empathy and communication skills. And if that’s part of your job, then I SALUTE you! But man, seriously … let’s talk about them vocals, now. You’re one part opera, one part death metal, and three parts good ol’ hard rock! What are some of your influences?

Well, I guess I have different influences for different parts of my voice and range. So there are many many many vocalists over the years I have looked towards for inspiration and influence. However to name a few I would say Dickenson, Halford, Benji Webb, Stu Block, Joe Duplantier, David Draimen, Randy Blythe, Phil Anselmo, Lajon Witherspoon, Chris Cornell and Dio to name a few.*I might have spelt some of their names wrong*

OFF THE RECORD I can edit, lol! (K, I didn’t edit! That was funny.) You said Rob Halford and Chris Cornell … you speakin’ my language, now! I’m listening to ‘Battle of the Thames’ as we type, one of my favorite Osyron songs. I sent that one to a good friend of mine, the popular romance author Callie Carmen. Callie isn’t a huge metal fan, but even she was like ‘wow … these guys should make soundtracks for movies like ‘Lord of the Rings.’ The three-way split between classical, death metal, and traditional hard rock absolutely FASCINATES me! How did y’all come up with that sound? And I’m sensing a higher level of musical education here … private tutoring, perhaps, or did someone go to a music college?

Well, we appreciate the kind words and support. We have had many influences as a band from different metal styles, rock and prog as well as thematic/soundtrack genres too. So together we blend them into our own take of these genres and create our own Metal Style. I classify it as simple Heavy Metal or Dark Prog but honestly, labels are for the listeners, not the musicians in my opinion. And no one studied any of their instruments beyond maybe lessons at the beginning of their journey’s. We are all hard working and dedicated musicians who try to perfect their own individual styles and crafts!

Holy SHIT!!! Y’all did that all on your own?! WOW!!! I was counting on you to tell me that someone done went to Juilliard, or some shit. Wow. So what is Osyron’s songwriting process? Is it a ‘let’s all jam and see what comes out,’ or ‘a couple of us write, and the band arranges’? DO tell!

We usually write based off of someone’s idea and we expand upon it. We never really ‘jam’ out the songs, but more or less piece them together through collaboration from a single idea

So I gotta ask … as an author, I usually go through two to three drafts before I submit a novel to my editor. So how many drafts does Osyron go through before going into the final mix?

Aha, fair enough. And probably two or three. We always have demos and pre production before we record the final version.

Yep. Brother, will you do the honor of repeating after me? Here we go: THE FIRST DRAFT IS CANNON FODDER!!! Can I get an ‘amen’?


YES!!! And I wanna ask … I love the way Osyron arranges the bass. Osyron has this in common with Guns n’ Roses and Iron Maiden: the bass is exactly where it belongs. Just slightly louder than the drum, alongside the lead singer, but behind the lead guitars. I admire any band that puts the bass player in his proper place, because so many bands sideline the bass player. I hate that. So who is Osyron’s bass player? How did y’all find him, and what are some of his influences? I play the bass, so my answer would be Geddy Lee, Rob Trujillo, and Cliff Burton … but I’d like to know what answer he might give.

Well his name is Tyler and he is the sexiest in the band. So we decided to but him on bass to settle his ego. Aha, all jokes aside Ty is a secret weapon because he is first and foremost a very talented guitar player. He is able to write quality bass lines that are creative but never overly flashy. He also mixes all of our records and releases as he is a talented mixing engineer.

Do please tell Tyler that Virginia Wallace thinks he’s a fuckin’ BADASS!!! So what are some the challeges of being in band? Work/life balance, family/art balance … how does that work for Osyron?

Well to be honest we are all pretty easygoing guys for the most part. So we are able to balance most things fairly well. We also try to split up jobs and tasks evenly or as best as possible so we are all working together towards the same goal. I’d say thats what makes us a great team is we all have the same dream and aspirations and we work towards together.

As a die-hard ‘fan girl,’ I ALWAYS loved the comraderie of metal! Even if it meant getting bounced from the bar alongside my friends … and yep, that happened more’n a couple times! (Apparently, being ‘over-served’ is not something you’re supposed to do in public. Who knew?) So what advice would you give to a young/aspiring musician? What wisdom would you care to pass on to the next generation?

Aha, been there and understand that! Honestly, just to pursue whatever you love and don’t give up. It’s cliché but very true. We all haven’t stopped and are starting to see the success but it has been many years and many losses. So it will eventually happen, but ‘when’ is up to hard work and some luck.

Well said, brother … well said. I give the same advice to aspiring writers. THANK you for gracing my page today! I am truly honored. And I wish Osyron all the best going forward!

If you love metal with a dash of classical, Osyron has you COVERED, now!!! Thanks again, Reed, for taking the time to chat today! And Y’ALL, my dear friends and rock stars, may stalk Osyron at the following links:





Cheers! – V

Regarding Whiskey, Writing, and Life in General …

As so often happens in life, my new friend Victoria M. Patton and I crossed paths by chance.

Now, I know a lot of authors. I interact with a lot of authors. Most of them are female, since I started out in the romance genre. (That’s beginning to change, since I also write horror and fantasy. But for the time being, that’s still the norm.) And yep, when it comes to booze most of the authors I know talk about wine, or maybe mixed drinks.

But I’m Southern. I just don’t drink like that, you know? Beer n’ whiskey, baby!

So I was pleasantly surprised to hear a fellow romance author mention whiskey. I was like, WOO-HOO!!! We gotta chat, now!!! Victoria was kind enough to agree to a pleasant digital sit-down, over a couple glasses of whiskey.

Here … is that conversation!!!

WELCOME, Victoria, to virginiawallace.com! So, we’re authors! And therefore, not teetotallers. But what caught my eye was this: you don’t generally see female authors talking about whiskey. Usually, it’s rum, vodka or wine … so DO tell! What made you gravitate toward whiskey? What about that venerable beverage entices you?

Man, that is a good question. LOL. I had someone ask me if I wanted to try some Pappy Van Winkle. That did it. Of course, once you try that, you are kind of spoiled.

I’ve heard of that one, but never tried it. What is it? Rye? Bourbon? Scotch?

Pappy is buttery smooth, no burn. Bourbon. VERY expensive. I could never afford it. And hard to get. But that set in me motion to find whiskeys I could afford.

Ah! Bourbon, well … you speakin’ my language, now! Are you exclusively a bourbon drinker, or do you branch out?

I like every variation of whiskey … bourbons are my favorite and rye is my liquid of choice. I love Ryes.

I love Rye best in the summer, with its tangy flavor. What’s your favorite rye, and why? I’m gonna say Knob Creek, on my end.

Love Knob Creek. Love it. Jack Daniels has one of the best ryes … but … the best rye you will ever try is from the Banff Distillery in Banff, Canada. It is a clear rye AND NOT aged. and it is fabulous. Another rye that I love, and actually love all their whiskeys is Canadian Club.

Ah, I must research this! I have an easy time getting Canadian product where I live. I was actually introduced to rye with Jim Beam’s version, which isn’t half bad. It’s funny, I don’t like Beam’s flagship whiskey because it tastes oily to me, but I love a lot of their other products. Do you find a signifigant difference between ‘corporate’ whiskies and whiskies from smaller distilleries?

Not so much. But I think distilleries that focus on the whiskey … not the dollar … make the best whiskeys. I believe some rush the process and skimp on the ingredients.

I agree. So let’s back up a bit … what’s a ‘clear’ rye? I always thought of rye as a dark liquor. Might you explain?

Yes, when they are aged. When they are not, it is clear. I don’t know anyone else that has a clear rye other than Banff Distillery. MY GOD it is so good. I should have bought a shit ton to bring back because they have not been able to sell to the US yet. To get the color it is aged at a minimum of 2 years. You know that the oak used is what gives the whiskey the flavor. That is why so many buy Jack Daniels barrels and refurbish them to reuse.

Oh no! I did not know that. Now I’m on a mission from God to find some clear rye! So how do you drink your bourbon and rye? On the rocks? Straight up?

I like a little ice. Adding water to your scotch or whiskeys help release the aromatics and the flavors … I drink it fast enough that it doesn’t get watery. LOL too fast. I like it straight up too.

I am in the exact same camp with bourbon and rye! It just smells nicer when the ice mellows it a bit. Have you ever had a ‘rock n’ rye’? That’s 50/50 lemonade and rye, over ice. It’ll put you on the floor!

NO … but I will try it … LOL

You mentioned Canadian Club. I must confess, I haven’t developed much of a palate for Canadian whiskey. Being a native of the American South, they taste odd to me. So which Canadian whiskies do you like, and why?

I am currently drinking a Canadian Club 9 year reserve … it is great. Smooth with a hint of caramel and english toffee. My favorite canadian club is a 12 year small batch … that has a vanilla undertone and mixes very well with coke (Coke Zero for me) but it makes the coke taste like a vanilla coke … goes down way to easy.

Nice! Vanilla notes are why Wild Turkey 101 is my favorite bourbon. I have Tullamore Dew XO Caribbean in my tumbler … Irish whiskey, aged in Caribbean rum barrels. Straight up, warmed up in a coffee mug that I put in the microwave. So … how do you feel about the ‘old Irish,’ as my recently departed friend Gerry called it?

I love Irish whiskeys. Off the whiskey train … I love to Macallan scotch. That is for another discussion.

And you mentioned Coke. Yep, some whiskey purists would cry ‘foul.’ But honestly? Jack Daniels goes well with Coke. And I love Wild Turkey with Cheerwine. Cheerwine is an older precursor to Dr. Pepper, and sold primarily in the South. And YES, we are indeed moving toward Scotch! But in the meantime, do tell me about your favorite Irish whiskies!

I have had Tullamore … love that. Bushmills I like it becaue it has subtle notes not overpoweriing … I have had tons of Jameson … which I do love. I need to drink more Irish whiskeys. Rye I drink straight up … nothing added … but occasionally I want a whiskey and coke, or Vanilla Dr. Pepper.

Jameson is God’s gift to whiskey. It’s not too heavy, not too strong, and no one note is overpowering. It’s just … balanced. Have you tried Green Spot? I love that one, tastes like cloves and green apples. And I love Teeling, which tastes like watermelon with a buttery finish. So that begs the question … do you prefer fruity or spicy notes? And what finish do you prefer? Spicy, smoky, etc. …

When it comes to whiskey i prefer the vanilla, caramel and smoky flavors. The Canadian Club I am drinking now has caramel, english toffee, with nutmeg and cloves … the smell is fabulous … My husband can’t drink whiskey at all, but he said this particular one smells so good, he wishes he had a cologne with this smell. Here’s the thing for those that don’t drink whiskey and why I think they don’t drink it after one taste. When you first try a glass of whiskey, or scotch, it burns … because your tastes buds are not used to the alsohol and the pain receptors react as a fiery burn. But the more you drink whiskey you train those tastes buds to not react like that … thus the burn goes away. Once that happens, you begin to taste the notes of the whiskey …

Coffee and whiskey have this in common: people who won’t drink it still love the smell. And yes, it takes practice to calmly sip straight liquor without being overwhelmed by the burn. Only then do you taste the notes! So let’s talk Scotch. I hated it until I was thirty. I finally figured out the truth about Scotch: you get what you pay for. If it’s good, it ain’t cheap. If it’s cheap, it’s piss. So I didn’t appreciate Scotch until I hit my prime earning years and could afford the good stuff.

So I am not a huge scotch drinker … but occasionaly I will get some … unfortunately for my wallet, I prefer Macallan … and that adage you get what you pay for is so true … while a lot of the less expensive Macallan whiskeys are good, if you fork out 50 bucks for a shot, yeah … that is wonderful! My grandmother loved scotch. She would put a little water in it. I would drink it and die … but as I took more and more sips … it didn’t burn … that must have been where my love of whiskey started i just didn’t know it. Also, she used to make me hot totties when I was sick … which always had scotch in them. LOL. Not enough to get me drunk, mind you! LOL. Just a dribble to make me stop coughing and sleep. Prolly would go to jail for that now, but not in the 70’s.

Macallan 12 is around $60 American per bottle, which ain’t half bad. And yep, my granny gave me a spoonful of ‘medicine’ back in the eighties to make me sleep. Looking back? It kinda tasted like Old Crow … Sadly, my absolute FAVORITE whiskey is Johnny Walker Blue. $250 American a bottle. It’s always a birthday or Christmas present, but I love how complex it is. You put it over ice, and it tastes like dried fruit and nutmeg. Warm it up? Peat moss and smoke, very dark and earthy. Either way, I LOVE it!

My step father loved Johnny Walker.

Honestly, I don’t care for most of their product line … but the Blue Label is pure gold! So … you’re an author, as am I. Why is it, you think, that writers all have discount cards to their local liquor store? What is it about we do that makes booze such a loyal companion?

I’m not sure, but one time I talked about whiskey and writing … which is my website, go figure. And someone commented I am giving authors a bad name because I drink and write … l literally told him to fuck off. LOL … I drink whiskey because I like the taste. I write because I am no longer employable in the real world so I thought I could use my forensic chemistry degree and love of killers and make some money …

In my case, I think it’s because I’m a rather antsy person. If you look at my body of work, I clearly have adult ADD. Can’t keep me on topic for five minutes, you know? I’m like, ooh I wanna write THIS! K, now I’m done and I wanna write THAT! Booze turns down the volume in my head, you know? It helps me focus. I ain’t looking to get shit-hammered and fall down. I just wanna become someone other than my usual scatter-brained self. And yep, along the way you develop an appreciation for the art and talent that goes into crafting fine whiskies. So, to wrap up … is there anything else you would care to share with our readers?

Hm … When I write I usually only drink whiskey … I don’t get hammered, but sometimes I have several glasses … takes a lot to get me hammered, which I found out on my fiftieth birthday, LOL. But when I drink and write and I have my music on, my creativity seems to soar. I’m letting go of all the things that i might worry about. Should I say that, or should my character do this? I just seem to get into a groove and relax. I don’t drink whiskey to be cool or hip … it truly is the best drink out there. LOL. I never drink while editing. Just saying. I’m on my second glass of Canadian Club … I might need to write tonight …

It is indeed, which is why I snapped you up for an interview. You get it! And yes, as our boy Hemingway put it: ‘Write drunk and edit sober!’ THANK YOU so much for gracing my humble page today, and I wish you all the best with your writing!

TO STALK AND CONNECT WITH VICTORIA, CLICK HERE! https://linktr.ee/victoriampatton


Anyone who knows me knows that I’m a HUGE fan of the hard rock scene in Hampton Roads, Virginia, USA. So today it is my honor to introduce Nate Atkins, the wonderfully talented drummer of the band Divided!

WELCOME, Nate, to virginiawallace.com! Thank you so much for taking the time to appear today. Can you tell our readers where Divided is located, and how all of you got together?

We are based out of Chesapeake, Virginia. Myself, Nick Youngkins, and Russell Dotson divided after we left another band called unbound. We also had original members. Matthew Gumm, and Richard Hoffman who are no longer currently in the band that formed it with us.

I lived in Chesapeake for years.! So I gotta ask, are you working in military service? Eastern VA is a Naval region, after all. I’ve often seen military service playing hell with trying to get one’s music off the ground.

Yes, I am! I’m active duty Navy. And I have been in for 14 years.

Thank you for your service! I always ask that question, because to me it seems even more challenging than just balancing personal life with one’s music. I grew up watching half the men in my neighborhood disappearing for six months at a time! How do the other guys handle that?

It can be challenging at times but for the most part my band members have all come to understand that. You know it’s part of my job that sometimes. I have to leave but we make it work. Kudos to the boys cuz it’s definitely had it’s ups and downs. But now since I’m stationed on shore duty it’s a lot easier.

I would imagine! What are some of the musical backgrounds in the band? And what sort of influences did that bring to the music?

Nick has a big background in Deathcore, metalcore, and some thrash influences. I would say some of his biggest influences as far as bands go would be lamb of God, suicide silence, power trip, they art is murder, just to name a few. Russell Is heavily inspired by thrash music and was originally our bass player. But after our last guitarist, Matthew left russed up to the plate and took over for guitar. His biggest influences are Pantera, Megadeth, Trivium, and Slipknot. Trent is the newest member to the band as a bass player, and his influences are Motionless in White, Asking Alexandria, Black Veil Brides, Trivium, Avatar. Nate ( myself ) was heavily influenced by thrash, metalcore, deathcore, and death metal. My biggest influences as far as bands go are Dying Fetus, Infant Annihilator, Slaughtered to Prevail, I Am, Power Trip, and Municipal Waste. Currently we have a fill in vocalist. Zachary Tyler. Not sure exactly what his influences are but he is also a vocalist for another band called House Divided.

I’m listening to the singles ‘Greed’ and ‘B.T.K.’ on Spotify. I can tell this music was composed by hard-core metal fans. Stylistically, I’m reminded of one my favorite albums of all time: ‘Into the Darkness,’ by Kittie. When I lived in the area, Hampton Roads had a huge and diverse indie metal scene. Is that still the case?

Yeah, the metal scene’s not bad in the area. We have a pretty decent following ourselves and have recently started traveling outside of our area to Richmond. Which is just as equally as good as far as the scenes go. And here in another month or so we’re going down to Charlotte, North Carolina to play with our boys in the coursing. So we typically travel and don’t necessarily play just this area all the time specifically.

Nice! That’s always good to hear … and I remember going to Richmond for shows, too. Are you planning on expanding your reach over time?

Yes, we definitely intend to extend our reach and travel more frequently. We’re hoping to do a week tour maybe more sometime this year. If not, maybe next year. We did a short weekend run last summer as like a trial and we loved it and we want to do it again.

That takes some dedication. I’ve helped bands pack out after shows, usually because I was the last gal standing at two AM. I’m not sure people quite realize the insane amount of prep/cleanup that goes on even for a modest barroom show! So how do you balance all that with your personal life, your friends and family?

I’ve been super lucky when it comes to that. Ever since I was probably 15 or 16 I’ve been in a band. For at least involved in something musically, and now that my kids are older, it’s a lot easier for me to do the band thing a little more full time. Plus my fiance is super supportive and even travels with us. And is that every show. Which is awesome!

All artists eventually build an entourage after a while, I think. When I release a new book, I can always tell who the first stalwart to buy it will be. And bands are the same way. Back in the day, some of my favorites were ScarZ Within, Bully, Bullistic, and Nemesis, among others. Eventually you figure out who’s married to whom, and who hangs out with that guy and who that gal’s son-in-law is. I loved the sense of community! So is Divided recording new music anytime soon?

Yes, we are actually currently recording with Charlie Roccaforte, and hope to be finishing up our recording soon. We’ve had them recorded for quite some time now. We just have to go through and tweak some things and lay down vocals with our new vocalist whenever we announce him. Now I’m currently in a side project with Charlie myself nick ( my guitar platform divided) and Walter Stanley were called Roccaforte

Oh, Walt and Charlie I know! I was so sorry to hear about Mike. I moved away in 2011. I’m glad y’all were able to move on with your music after such a tragedy! I didn’t know Mike at all, but I bet he’s proud of all of you. So tell us a bit about Roccaforte? I’ve seen videos on YouTube and FaceBook. Juggling two bands must be a lot of work!

I definitely is but we manage it and make it happen. Roccaforte It’s just a side project that myself, Nick, Charlie and Walt have. We play older Scarz songs. Along with a few Nemesis songs. And we have some material that we have written ourselves as Roccaforte. We also have a female vocalist that we will be announcing soon. I also host Virginia Deathfest which is a pretty sizeable event.

DO tell! Where and when are said festivities? Who are some of the bands involved?

June 23, 24, and 25th at Another Round Bar and Grill in Richmond, Virginia, USA.

NICE!!! Save the date, everyone! This looks like a headbanger’s DREAM!!! So before we say goodye – and I do have one last question for you – is there something I haven’t asked that you’d like to answer?

If you’re interested in tickets follow the group page : Virginia Deathfest 2023. There’s link’s for tickets through Eventbrite 🙂

Got that, everyone? Get yer tickets NOW! So, Nate, I’ve always believed that every artist – musician, writer, visual artist, actor, etc. – has a duty to help train up the next generation. As a family man as well as a musician, I’m sure you feel the same way. So on that note, what advice would you ofter to a young/new/aspiring musician?

Never give up and practice makes perfect!

Simple yet profound! THANK you, Nate, for appearing today! I’m very grateful, and I wish you, Divided and Roccaforte all the best for the future!

TO LISTEN TO DIVIDED ON SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0AmpmW2PBAABnPa7pkPun2

TO FOLLOW DIVIDED ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Divided757